You want to profit from HBC’s know-how? Get to know the region between Munich, Stuttgart and Zurich? Be part of HBC? Then come to Biberach as an exchange student and gain unique experiences with us. 

At Biberach University of Applied Sciences, we are student-focused in everything we do. We aim to ensure that you have the best experience during your semester abroad. This includes assisting students finding accommodation, organising student events and beyond and keeping class sizes small in order to give you excellent support and guidance from our experienced team of professors and lecturers. 

Join our international studies program now! We are looking forward to meeting you!

We are a university for construction and life sciences with a nationwide reputation. We stand for forward-looking, sustainable teaching and further education, research and transfer. Together we want to shape the future and develop innovative, resource-saving processes and technologies. We invite everyone involved to actively contribute their own ideas and skills. Because the world is changing - and change is the order of the day!

We have established thematic focal points in the fields of biotechnology, energy, construction and business administration which are subject-specific and interdisciplinary from the perspectives of natural scientists, engineers, architects and economists. Our study programs are closely linked to professional practice and set up in an interdisciplinary manner with an international perspective. With numerous laboratories, studios and workshops, students enjoy optimal infrastructure and facilities to exploit their potential and expand their skills.

Campus Biberach Stadt
Campus Biberach Stadt

In addition to teaching and further education, research is also the focus of our activities. Together with our vast network of partners from the academic and economic sectors, we develop new innovative projects and further research approaches with the focus of environmentally friendly and climate-neutral technologies and processes. We convey these in the form of courses for students and also present them on open days and events that are open to the general public.


Buildings shape our environment like hardly anything else. With the structure of their rooms, their shape, construction, and materials, they create living spaces in the home and cities. In our degree courses, we teach students the relationship between people, buildings, and the environment and encourage them to develop innovative methods in the field of architecture and construction. Our study programs promote technical understanding as well as socio-political commitment and creativity and help students to recognize and embark on their individual career paths.

Architektonische Struktur
Architektonische Struktur

Energy Engineering

Global climate change is not unnecessary scaremongering but a legitimate challenge. The only effective action is to rethink our society and to restructure the energy sector. We consider future-proof energy systems to be inextricably linked with the construction and operation of sustainable objects of any size. As scientists, we see a transformation from fossil to renewable resources as urgently needed in the context of the energy transition.

Hochschule Biberach Energiewesen - Schwerpunkt Energiesysteme
Hochschule Biberach Energiewesen - Schwerpunkt Energiesysteme

Civil Engineering and Project Management

Civil engineers and construction project managers shape the world of tomorrow and create sustainable infrastructure and also ensure we a sustainable development of the environment. The work of civil engineers, therefore, requires an exchange between different disciplines and an understanding of their working methods and technical language. In addition to this interdisciplinary approach, the civil engineer's area of responsibility is also growing with increasing responsibilities for the entire life cycle of the created objects. Project development, financing, controlling, renovation, planning, execution and monitoring, legal matters, and contract drafting.

Studenten bei der Materialprüfung
Student bei der Materialprüfung

Business Administration

The world - and with it the business world - is in upheaval: digitization, climate change and globalization are fundamentally changing companies and their previous business models.

Formerly successful business models are disappearing, while new companies and business ideas are emerging. Smart technologies are fundamentally changing the way we live, work and do business. This means that future specialists and managers who are flexible and creative enough to meet the challenges of tomorrow will have great career opportunities and above-average income prospects.

BWL Bau und Immobilien: iStock
BWL Bau und Immobilien: iStock

Faculty of Biotechnology

The Biotechnology Department at HBC trains specialists who are in demand in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries and even parts of the energy industry. A central tool in our teaching is the state-of-the-art laboratories in which we map the entire manufacturing process in the industry. This guarantees one aspect of teaching that is particularly important to us: relevance to practice.

Campus Aspach: Industrielle Biotechnologie Labore
Campus Aspach: Industrielle Biotechnologie Labore

Do you want to dig deeper in sustainability topics? Strengthen your English skills? And increase your professional and international network?

Join the IIP@HBC program!


Five Good Reasons for IIP@HBC:

  1. Study together with both German and international students in English-taught subjects and projects
  2. Build up international, discipilary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and intercultural competence
  3. Find solutions for global challenges in your special discipline by mutual exchange with students and experts
  4. Get an insight into the production of local companies and increase your professional network
  5. Proof your extraordinary profil with an IIP Certification
Gruppe internationaler Studierende vor Schloss
Gruppe internationaler Studierende vor Schloss

The IIP@HBC aims in the creation of an efficient exchange, both on a professional and social level, between german and international students at Hochschule Biberach.

To realize the idea of this interdisciplinary and intercultural learning model, we created two study groups (=clusters). Depending on your study program at home university it is possible to choose subject-specific (disciplinary) electives and interdisciplinary projects from one cluster. Transdisciplinary Activities and Intercultural competence courses are not cluster-specific and the same for all IIP@HBC students.

Grafik Haus
Grafik Haus

Cluster 1: Designed Sustainability contains subjects, which might be of interest for future Architects, Civil Engineers, Energy Engineers, Project Managers and Business Administrators.

Cluster 2: Sustainable Biotechnology offers courses and laboratory sessions for students in the field of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Biotechnology.

Both Clusters offer an english course catalogue with a combination of intercultural competence courses, transdisciplinary reflections topics, interdisciplinary projects and subject-specific electives. The courses are offered on Bachelor level.

IIP@HBC scholarship
supports incoming students from our IIP@HBC partner universities, who intend to complete a semester at HBC and participate in the program by selecting the compulsory courses. For additional information please download the related PDF document or contact the program coordinators.


You are welcomed to spend one or two exchange semesters at HBC!

Your home university can send us a nomination, when the nomination is accepted, you will receive the link of the online application portal and further practical information from the HBC International Office.


For partner universities:

Nomination deadline for the following winter semester: May 1

Nomination deadline for the following summer semester: November 1


For Incomings:

Application deadline for the following winter semester: May 15

Application deadline for the following summer semester: November 15


Our partner universities

Factsheet with exchange informations:

All incoming students (EU/EEA and non-European) as well as German students must have a health insurance. Further general information on health insurance in Germany can be found here and here (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers).

Students from EU/EEA and Switzerland:

If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, your national health insurance covers you during your stay in Germany. The only document you will need is your valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). A copy of both sides of your EHIC will be required during the application process.

Please make sure that your EHIC is valid for the entire period of time you will stay in Biberach.

Students from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey
The above mentioned countries and Germany have a bilateral agreement on social security that includes illness and maternity benefits as well as medical assistance in Germany without the taking out of a German statutory health insurance.

As proof that you are insured, you will need to provide the respective document mentioned hereafter:

•    Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH 6)
•    Macedonia (DE/RM 111)
•    Montenegro (D/MNE 111)
•    Serbia (DE 111 SRB)
•    Tunisia (A/TN 11)
•    Turkey (A/T 11)

Students from non-European countries:

If you are a student from a non-European country, you must have a German statutory health insurance.

Your national health insurance or a travel health insurance that is accepted during the visa application process at the embassy is not sufficient for enrolment at the university!

The cost is approximately 130€ per month (as of August 2024).

Please conclude the German statutory health insurance BEFORE coming to Germany. It is valid from the beginning of the semester (1st of September/1st of March)/from the date of enrolment. If you enter Germany before the semester starts, you will need a travel health insurance for the first few days.

In Biberach and the surrounding area you will find the following health insurance companies (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers):

Combinations of German health insurance and blocked account:

If you want to open a blocked account as proof of finances for the visa or residence permit, you may get a good price for a combination of a blocked account and a German health insurance at providers of service packages for international students.

You may use one of the following providers (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers):

Please be aware that not all providers offer blocked accounts for all nationalities and that the fees and conditions may vary.

Please also note that the naming of health insurance companies and providers offering service packages for international students does not amount to a recommendation. HBC does only name the health insurance companies and service-providers of which it is aware. HBC does not and never did have a business relationship with the named health insurance companies and service-providers and is not liable for possible damage resulting from getting insured with/using the service from any of the health insurance companies or providers offering service packages for international students listed.

Students ≥ 30 years of age
Students from non-European countries aged 30 years or older must insure themselves with a German private health insurance. Private health insurances from abroad are not accepted.

If this is your case, please contact the International Office for further information:

We strongly recommend all incoming students to have a liability insurance for the duration of your stay in Germany, as all personal and property damages caused by negligence must be compensated according to German law.

Please note that HBC does not take any damage claims and that we do not offer liability insurance for incoming students. You have to organize sufficient insurance coverage on your own.

Students from EU/EEA and Switzerland:

Students from EU/EEA and Switzerland do not need to provide financial evidence.

Students from non-European countries:

Students from non-European countries will have to show proof that they do have sufficient funds to cover their stay in Germany in order to apply for a visa or a residence permit. The minimum amount of money is 992 € per month of your stay. This is the amount of money estimated by German authorities to be needed by a student to cover the costs of living in Germany for a month. 

When you plan to stay 6 months in Germany, you have to submit proof of finances equaling 5.952€; when you plan to stay a whole year, this amount rises up to 11.904€.

The proof of finances can be done in various ways:

  • You can present a scholarship award notification from a recognized scholarship provider
  • You can deposit a security payment into a blocked account*
  • Your parents can do a declaration of commitment at the German embassy in your home country

A combination of several sources of funding is also possible.

For more information, you can have a look here (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers).

Please make sure to inquire at the German embassy in your home country which form of financial proof is required/accepted!

*If you decide to open a blocked account for your visa application or residence title, you may use one of the following providers (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers):

Please be aware that not all providers offer blocked accounts for all nationalities and that the fees and conditions may vary.

Please also note that the naming of providers offering blocked accounts does not amount to a recommendation. HBC does only name the service-providers offering blocked accounts of which it is aware. HBC does not and never did have a business relationship with the named providers offering blocked accounts and is not liable for possible damage resulting from opening a blocked account with any of the providers listed.

Students from EU/EEA:

If you are from a European country, in which the euro is the standard currency, you do not have to open a German bank account.

If you are from a European country, in which the euro is NOT the standard currency, we recommend to open a German bank account to avoid conversion charges and other additional fees that may apply.

For more information on German bank accounts you can have a look at the section “Students from non-European countries”.

Students from non-European countries:

We recommend students from non-European countries to open a German bank account before arriving to Biberach. If you do not want to do so, it is also possible to open a bank account in Germany.

A German bank account simplifies your everyday life in Germany and is a prerequisite for regular and reoccurring payments, such as rent and health insurance as well as shopping and much more.

If you are from a non-European country and a scholarship recipient, a German bank account is also necessary to receive the stipend.

General information on German bank accounts can be found here and here (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers).

In general, there is a great variety of banks in Germany and it is your own decision which bank you would like to open an account with.

A non-exhaustive list of German banks in Biberach and popular online banks can be found hereafter (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers):

In addition, the following websites provide useful information on different German and online bank accounts (please note that we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers):

Please note that the naming of institutions offering bank accounts does not amount to a recommendation. HBC does only name the service-providers offering bank accounts of which it is aware. HBC does not and never did have a business relationship with the named institutions offering bank accounts and is not liable for possible damage resulting from opening a bank account with any of the banks listed.

As a university with a focus on construction and energy, we see it necessary not only to impart technologies and skills that are environmentally friendly and resource efficient, but also to implement them under our own roof. We were the first university in Baden-Württemberg to develop an integrated climate protection concept as part of the national climate protection initiative. Our target is to achieve as a climate-neutral university by 2030.

HBC, with its two locations Campus Stadt and Campus Aspach, has been one of the six EMAS-certified universities in Baden-Württemberg since 2015. EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is the environmental management certification of the European Union and is one of the most important systems worldwide for continuously improving the environmental situation and ensuring sustainable organization.

Dozent und Studenten draußen bei der Vermessung
Dozent und Studenten draußen bei der Vermessung

Another commitment that is close to our hearts is the family-friendliness of our university. We offer students and employees a wide range of advisory services for intensive family phases in life - be it with small children or with family members in need of care. We are also committed to ensure equality and diversity at HBC, so that staff and students enjoy equal treatment regardless of gender, ethnic or social origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or identity, religion, ideology or political opinion.

Bibearch is located in the Upper Swabia region of the German state of Baden-Württemberg which can look back on a rich historical past. Nowadays it is also a significant industrial location where numerous multi-international corporates establish their headquarters.

Campus Stadt HBC
Campus Stadt HBC

The two campuses of the university: Campus Stadt in the heart of Biberach and Campus Aspach just a few kilometers away. Short distances and the easy access to the university employees enable easier cooperation and create a lively campus atmosphere. There are also a lot of festive events in Bibearch around the year! 

HBC have been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and are committed to our Erasmus Policy Statement with the core principle of digitalization, inclusion and sustainability in participation of the Erasmus+ Program.

Biberach an der Riß - University town in Baden-Württemberg and full of history, nature and a wide range of leisure activities! It's a wonderful place to work and live. Its central location between the cities of Ulm and Ravensburg also makes Biberach an important business centre in the region. The weekly market, cosy inns, the Federsee lake, the pilgrimage church in Steinhausen as well as museums and historical buildings make the town in upper Swabia a special place for students and employees of Biberach University of Applied Sciences as well as for visitors.

Thumbnail YouTube Umgebung Biberach

Still have questions? Our International Office is happy to advise and assist you!
