Project leader: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Hesse
Researcher: Dr. Jakob Birke
Financing: BMBF/MWK
Program: Innovative Hochschulen
Duration: 2018 – 2022
Partners: Universität Ulm I Technische Hochschule Ulm I Hochschule Neu-Ulm
Project description
In all sectors of biotechnology short time to market for new products as well as low costs and high quality is essential. An essential prerequisite to achieve this is the development of safe, robust and efficient manufacturing processes. Important drivers of innovation in this context are initiatives such as Industry 4.0 or Quality by Design / PAT, leading to an enhanced focus on process understanding and process quality. Nevertheless, the transfer of newly developed process technologies into real processes still remains a major challenge. Therefore, in this project a technology platform is developed which shall enable the transfer of new technologies from all sectors of the biotechnological process chain into the industrial practice. One thematic focus of the platform is the digitalization of bioprocesses comprising issues such as process automation, soft sensor development and the implementation of virtual reality and augmented reality tools.
Next Generation Process Technologies: Virtual reality scenario – taking a sample from a benchtop bioreactor. Such scenarios can for example be used for training purposes.
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