Advanced Hydraulic Engineering

Component code / course code: (BB 6.6)

Semester: winter

ECTS credits: 4

Lecture hours per week (SWS): 2

Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Haimerl

Course language: German with English on demand

Prerequisite: Contents of the lectures Hydraulic Engineering I+II, Geotechnical Engineering I+II

Objectives (Learning Outcome): The students 

  • know the terms as well as the essential standards and design principles in hydraulic engineering.
  • are familiar with the basic design principles of weir systems and the associated operating equipment.
  • can carry out flood design of dams and dimension the required freeboard dimensions.
  • can dimension and design weirs.
  • know how hydroelectric power plants work and the different types of plants
    and are able to dimension a hydroelectric power plant in basic principles.
  • know the essential current legal framework (WHG, EEG).
  • know the area of conflict between power generation and water protection and can design measures for the ecological improvement of water bodies.
  • know the basic principles for the construction of fish ladders and are able to dimension a fish ladder hydraulically and constructively.

The students

  • are able to critically examine the results of the different engineering measurements on the basis of the acquired specialist knowledge and basic understanding of the process.
  • are able to structure and network knowledge logically.
  • can work reflexively and self-critically.
  • are able to work independently with technical regulations, professional articles and books.
  • are able to present their work results in an understandable and compact way and to give written explanations in explanatory reports.

Lecture topics (content):

  • DIN 19.700 Dams: basics, flood design, freeboard.
  • Hydraulic design and construction of river dams / weirs in site plan and
    essential crosssections.
  • Construction of gates and stilling basins.
  • Basics for planning and dimensioning of hydroelectric power plants, operating modes and selection criteria of different turbine types, electrotechnical aspects of plant operation.
  • Ecological passability, design and planning of fish ladders.

In lectures, individual lecture contents are exemplarily deepened and additional hydraulic engineering topics (e.g. inland waterways, ...) are presented.

Teaching format (e.g. online/in person lecture/Seminar/Lab etc.): Presentations, lecture, laboratory experiments, excursion

Examination: Presentation and project work