International Energy Policy Analysis
Component code / course code:
Semester: winter
ECTS credits: 3
Lecture hours per week (SWS):
Course language: English
Objectives (Learning Outcome):
The students know the theories of market and state failure as well as evaluation criteria to evaluate alternative strategies and instruments to avoid market failure. They will be able to recognize forms of market and state failure in the energy industry and to critically evaluate political strategies for reducing market failure. The students have an overview of the areas of state energy policy and in-depth knowledge in selected areas (regulatory and process-political approaches to energy policy).
Lecture topics (content):
- Overview of energy policy goals and German and European energy policy measures
- Presentation of economic justifications for economic policy interventions (theory of market failure, theory of state failure)
- Energy policy as regulatory and process policy as well as industrial and technology policy v Market imperfections and state design of the regulatory framework of the line-bound energy industry
- Evaluation of alternative energy policy strategies in the areas of security of supply and rational use of energy
- International coordination of energy policy within the EU and the international energy agency.
Teaching format (e.g. online/in person lecture/Seminar/Lab etc.): In person lecture
Examination: Written examination