Methods of Business Model Development

Semester: summer

ECTS credits: 3

Lecture hours per week (SWS):


Course Language: English


Basic knowledge in business administration – especially entrepreneurship. 

Qualification objectives: 

The students get to know concepts and frameworks for the development and critical analysis of digitally shaped business models (BM). These BM’s are based both on efficiency increases in the process design up to the customer, and on new communication channels to and from the customer. New BMs also result from new technologies (big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, etc.), as well as from the linking of previously separated fields of activity of (energy) companies (sector coupling). The students learn the processes and methods companies use to systematically plan innovations and BMs and convert them into successful products and services. After successfully completing this course, the students will know various strategies for new and established companies to develop new business models. Furthermore, they know the requirements and ways of implementing these organizationally in the company. 

Course contents: 

  • Business model concept (definition of a BM, purpose of a BM, components of a BM)
  • The problem of disruptive business models in established companies (“The innovator’s dilemma”)
  • Methods and approaches for BM development (e.g. Business Model Canvas and Business Model Navigator)
  • Methods of technology and innovation management (e.g. open innovation)
  • Strategies and organizational forms for the generation and establishment of innovations and new BMs (e.g. spin-offs, acquisition of start-ups, internal ideas competitions, etc.)

Teaching format (e.g. online/in person lecture/Seminar/Lab etc.): In person lecture

Examination type: Student research paper